Why do you love your teacher?
You would think it would be the opposite, but as an adult vocal student I think it is much easier to get defeated because you always think you should have started younger, or you have ruined your voice over the years, or you have read things on the internet saying it’s too difficult to learn to sing as an adult. However, from day one, Lori has shown me I CAN learn to sing and that I actually have a range. It was so awesome to hear a real note come out of my mouth for the first time!
How does your teacher help you improve?
She always knows how to get me through the rough spots in my range and it feels great when I nail the exercise or song we are working on. She has picked up that I am a more visual learner so she teaches me how to visualize the scale or interval we are working on.
Why should your teacher be the Teacher of the Month?
Right before the Christmas break I had what was easily the worst performance during any lesson so far. I felt like I was singing worse than when I came into Allegro for the first time! At the end of the lesson, Lori asked me why I thought I did so bad. I told her I wasn’t breathing right, and since I was tightening my throat I couldn’t move between registers. Lori simply told me that three months prior I wouldn’t have even known what any of the things were and that being able to recognize what I was doing wrong was a huge accomplishment on its own. She was right, and that was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment and it made me feel like it was all worth it. Singing can be challenging because there is no instrument, only you! Because it is such a human process, it is easy to have a bad session because you are tired, sick, or you mind is just somewhere else. When this happens it is natural to want to be hard on yourself, but a great teacher like Lori will know how to catch you when you fall and build you back up, and she does exactly that — she’s awesome!
Is YOUR teacher AWESOME?