Be sure to check in on Facebook every time you come in for a lesson this Month. Each time you check in you’ll be entered in a drawing for a Free month of lessons, so check in every time you have a lesson! Like us on Facebook!
Be sure to check in on Facebook every time you come in for a lesson this Month. Each time you check in you’ll be entered in a drawing for a Free month of lessons, so check in every time you have a lesson! Like us on Facebook!
Congratulations Alliyah, you’ve won one month of free lessons! Just stop by the office to get your prize! Name Alliyah Asuncion Instrument or Instruments Piano How long have you taken music lessons? Taking music lesson for 3 years How many hours do you practice each week? 3 – 5 hours a week Please tell […]
Name Abigail Hanley Instrument or Instruments Piano Name of Pet Lincoln Tell us about your pet! Lincoln is a one year old chocolate lab. He loves kids, animals and long walks. We feel so lucky to have such a wonderful friend. Send us your pet photos (preferably with you) and if we feature yours in […]
Ready to sign up for Classical Guitar Lessons in Tucson? Call us at 520-670-9162 or request more information online! Classical Guitar student, Jesus Gayton performing “La Catedral” by Augustin Barrios. Classical Guitar is a unique genre of guitar. It’s one of the few guitar styles that has a heavy emphasis on note reading. It’s also unique in […]
Congratulations to Ashlyn Stokosa, Ben Hogan, and Aracely Portillo! You’ve each won a FREE 30 minute private lesson! To claim your prize, just stop by the office and schedule your lesson with any teacher or instrument you choose. Check out the videos:
Check out the New Pictures from April 2014! Special thanks to Jacqueline, our photographer from Tiny Lilly Photography. She did a fantastic job of capturing great images of our students having fun with their instruments! Below are some of the great student pictures from our last photo day in October, 2013:
Summer Music Lessons at Allegro School of Music Dear Music Students, The following contains answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding Summer Music Lessons at Allegro School of Music. I’m looking for things to do this summer and I’d like to “supercharge” my lessons! Will you offer any discounts or coupons? Yes. If you’re […]
Send us your pet photos (preferably with you) and if we feature yours in the newsletter, we’ll give you a $25.00 gift certificate to Allegro School of Music! Our “Pet of the Month” for April is Jasper. Jasper belongs to bass student, Owen Saunders. Owen, to pick up your prize just stop by the office […]
This article will give you the information you need to choose the best music school for you. It’s very important to choose wisely, as most beginning students’ success (or failure) is directly related to their first experience with music. What follows are some of the most important things to consider when deciding on what will […]