Instrument or Instruments
How long have you taken music lessons?
Around three years.
Who are your favorite music artists?
Kelly Clarkson, Adele, Panic! At the Disco, Fun.
What are your short and long term goals with music?
My short goals right now are to perfect my different kinds of strumming and perfect my bar chords. My long term goal is to use my guitar skills as a tool for when I become a singer/songwriter.
What is favorite part about taking music lessons?
Not only do I learn how to do different things with my guitar, it’s really fun doing it. Aaron (my teacher) makes me want to conquer difficult things because every lesson is so much fun and almost entertaining!
What are your hobbies?
Singing, songwriting, guitar, soccer, volleyball.
What are some of your favorite foods?
Sushi, carrots, prime rib, peanut m&ms, grapefruit. (Not specifically in that order).
What is the coolest thing you’ve learned in your lessons recently?
Slash chords! I thought they were going to be super hard but they’re really not, plus the sound that different slash chords make are so cool and interesting! Also playing in D Standard is so cool because you have to make up your own fingering and find chords you didn’t even know you could play!
Do you have any performances coming up?
I do worship at my church almost every Sunday, but other than that I’m just working for the winter recital right now!
Please tell us anything else you’d like us to know about you!
I’m addicted to iced tea.
I’ve always wanted to go to Greece because I really like studying Greek Mythology.
My favorite show is Castle.
I would be Belle if I was a Disney princess.
I like pepperoni and pineapple on my pizza.