Hello, My Name is Rachel Anne Scott and I have a Bachelor’s Degree from the Univ. Of Michigan. I grew up in New Jersey where I started playing the drums in the 7th grade. I just woke up one day and decided it was something I wanted to do, so with no fear I joined the orchestra and soon showed a natural inkling to the drums. I also started private lessons that same year. By the following year I was nominated to the school’s jazz band where we played such tunes as “25 or 6 to 4” by Chicago, and jazzy version of “Also Sprach Zarathustra” a classical piece written in 1896, and adapted to be the theme song to 2001 A Space Odyssey. I accompanied the choir as well (my music teacher loved Journey songs). Soon after that I was being invited to play with local bands at small venues (many of which I was too young to be in). The first band I was in was called “Razor’s Edge” the guys would tell their friends “come see us play, we have a girl drummer”. Upon moving to Tucson I landed a spot in the local all girl band “Alien Jane” and we immediately started playing out and having a blast everywhere we went. My favorite event was playing the Halloween show in Bisbee last year, wow! My favorite song to play on drums is “Barracuda” by Heart. I am also a graphic designer, oil painter, and an accomplished equestrian.