The Musical Ladder™️ is our unique system of setting incremental goals and challenges for our students and rewarding and celebrating their achievements. All current students are eligible to participate, and there are NO additional fees for the trophies and wristbands. It’s included in your tuition. We are the only music school in Tucson to offer a system like this, and we believe that it’s a huge benefit to the learning process, BUT ONLY IF YOU USE IT.
If you’re not aware of what your next Musical Ladder™️ goal is and when your next challenge date is happening, please read on. I’ll also include some tips for making the most out of the system!
When is my next goal date?
The first step is to ask your teacher. Your teacher has access to a database of all of your test dates. You can also call the office and we’d be happy to let you know! The schedule is as follows: Award dates are every 3 months for your first 18 months of lessons. When you reach 18 months, the award dates are every 6 months after that, until you reach 5 years of lessons. The program lasts 60 moths total.
What is my next Musical Ladder™️ goal?
The goals and challenges are unique to each student and are set by the teacher and the student. If you aren’t aware of what your child’s next goal is, please ASK YOUR TEACHER. If you’d like, you can call or email the office, and we’d be happy to reach out to your teacher and find out for you.
When are awards given?
We consider the last week of every month to be “Musical Ladder Week” at our schools. That means that we aim to give awards for the month from the 21st of the month to the end of the month. If you miss your scheduled lesson during Musical Ladder™️ Week, that’s no problem, we’ll just follow up with you the next week. It’s a general schedule, the most important part is that you are getting closer to reaching your goals! Remember, although we have Musical Ladder Week every month, that doesn’t mean you have an award scheduled every month. Please consult your teacher or the office to find out about your individual schedule.
Is this just for kids?
EVERY student benefits by setting short term goals. If you are an adult student and would like to participate, that’s awesome!
What are some good goals?
A good goal is one that is motivating to the student and that is appropriate and effective for their current developmental phase.
In the beginning, your teacher might give you goals like: Practice 3 days per week. Learn up to page 10 in your method book. Learn how to count and clap whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes. Learn how to recognize the notes of the treble and bass clef, etc etc.
For more advanced students, goals might look like this: Learn and memorize a Bach Two Part Invention or learn to play the guitar solo to “Stairway to Heaven” along with a backing track.
What if I didn’t quite reach my goal, do I still get an award?
If you tried, YES. If you learned new skills along the way, YES. If you are a better musician today then you were three months ago, YES. Because, that’s the point of setting short term goals, and that’s the point of this system. What we are celebrating and rewarding is our students’ EFFORTS, PROGRESS, and enjoying their PROCESS.
At Allegro, your success and happiness with your music lessons is our NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. Please let us know if you have ANY questions or concerns regarding the Musical Ladder™️ Program.
We are here to help!